Early Years Parent Support Program NOVEMBER Group Calendar

CLICK HERE to view the Parent Support Program November Group Calendar.

If you are interested in signing up for any of our groups please email us at pspgroupsignup@cameray.ca

If there are any group topics that you are interested in but unable to attend please email us at pspgroupsignup@cameray.ca and you can request a one on one session with one of our workers to go over the groups material.  Individual sessions can also be booked to discuss any other parenting topic you need support with.

Please note that Thursday and Friday groups will be taking place IN PERSON.  We kindly request that participants who attend are vaccinated and do not attend if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness.


Circle of Security Parenting Program

Circle of Security Parenting Program

Cameray Child & Family Services, Burnaby Pacific Grace Church and Pacific Immigrant Resources Society are hosting a free online workshop open to families with children 0-5 years old.

Please click HERE for more information on dates and how to register.

Program Information: At times as parents we all feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™Program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.


Parenting Workshop for Newcomers to Canada

Helping Children Grow and Thrive

Cameray Child & Family Services and Pacific Immigrant Resources Society are hosting a free online workshop open to newcomer families with children 0-8 years old.

Please click here for our workshop poster to get more information on dates and how to register.

Sessions are suitable for families with English as an Additional Language.

Arabic translation will be available


Parenting can be a joyful and challenging experience for all parents. When you are parenting in a new country, it presents an additional set of joys and challenges. Join us as we discuss ways to help create a strong parent-child relationship that will help you support your child in their growth and development and enjoy your parenting experience.


This series will be facilitated by Georgianna Lee, Parent Support Counsellor,from Cameray Child & Family Services.  Georgianna will be available for 30 minutes after each session to answer additional parenting/child development questions participants may have.



Thank You for a Successful Open House

On Tuesday, September 26 Cameray Child and Family Services opened its doors to their community partners and funders for an Open House to celebrate Cameray’s 45th birthday! We also were celebrating our 25th anniversary at our location on Imperial Street in Burnaby, and the grand opening of our new expanded space at that location!

We had a great turnout. Guests enjoyed guided tours of the program space, an opportunity to place their handprint on our Cameray Tree and to make a “mindfulness jar” (an example of a therapeutic craft often done in counselling sessions), an abundance of food, and some great doorprizes.

Guests of note were Raj Chouhan, MLA for Burnaby-Edmonds, and Bernard Richard, the Representative for Children and Youth in BC.

The event culminated in a ribbon cutting to mark the grand opening of our newly expanded space. Ribbon cutters included (as pictured from left to right) : Bernard Richard, BC Representative for Children and Youth; Jennie Ireland, Director of Operations, MCFD Burnaby; Tracey Rusnak, Executive Director; Raj Chouhan, MLA; and Don Macdonald, President of the Board of Directors.